go see it, you must!!!
yes, indeed, i am old enough to have seen the first (released) Star Wars in the theatre, Episode IV. and tonight i saw Episode III, making the VI Episode Saga complete. (you know they'll be coming out with a 6 Disc Special Collector's Edition Set on DVD later this year - mo money mo money mo money!) and as my friend Johnny's buddy Chris discovered tonight, the super gulp (like 64 oz or a liter, some ridiculous amount) plastic cups they sell you at the theatre also serve as your own official Darth Vader voice modulator. no need to buy that special hundreds of dollars modulator! get yours at your local theatre for the bargain basement price of only $4.75, and it comes with free refills of your favorite soda! (Luke, I am your father. Buy some more popcorn to go with that refill. hey, where did that voice come from?) they could also serve as a makeshift urinal, if you didn't want to leave the theatre to pee (2 1/2 hour movie-be prepared!), as i pointed out, but i wouldn't want to try it. my brother says he has done this before, with a soda bottle no less, when he was stuck in a traffic jam and had to go. it worked, evidently with no "spillage or drippage," one of the advantages of being a guy i guess.
anyway, the movie is absolutely spectacular! truly! the cgi is amazing in this one and practically seamless. if you're a Star Wars fan, no explanation needed. you've probably already been 3 times this week, including the 12:01am showing thursday morning. it was good to finally see why Anakin needed the Vader suit (we get to see the first version, before it was upgraded). and my favorite part was when Yoda goes after the Emperor - he walks in the room and flicks his wrist, and the guards drop dead. man! you don't wanna piss that guy off!!! i still want to know though, why is it Yoda can jump, flip, twist, and fight like a monkey on crack, yet, he has to have a cane in order to walk? any thoughts?
the only thing we all agreed we really would have liked to see, that we didn't, is for Jar Jar Binks to "accidentally" get killed in some way. really, Lucas, it was your only mistake. forgive you, we do. we'd like to see some "alternate endings" in the aforementioned Special Collector's Edition DVDs with Jar Jar getting light sabered, or "me-sah tinks its-ah time to get outta here" then splat or boom or something blows him up or crushes him.
"hellooo gorgeous!"

not the cinnamon buns again!!!!!! bad taste can't be genetic!

hmmmm HMMmmmmm very strong, my kung fu is, today!!!

Dum Dum-Da-Dum dum-DAH-dum dum-DAH-dum
DUM DUM-DA-DUM DAUM-Da-dum dum-DA-dum

and guess what movie trailer i saw........THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE!!!!!! oh yeah!!!! coming in DECEMBER baby, yeah! it's gonna be LOTR type epic! whoooo-hoooooooo! hmmmm, one Epic Saga ends, another begins...
DECEMBER 9TH!!!!!!!!!

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