Friday, July 28, 2006

80's Bash

i thought of calling this post, "Birthday, the Sequel" as a tribute to my fav show of the 80's. anyone get the reference? bonus points if you can tell me the actual phrase and which character actually used the phrase...

yes, indeed, i had an 80's Bash to celebrate my 33rd birthday. the 80's were, by far, my favorite decade. and since i never really got to indulge in all the crazy fashions of that decade (tho i did have the "claw" bangs and ripped jeans - by wear, not my raggin them out), i wanted to do it up right this time! oh yes, costumes were required!

Reagan was nice enough (read: bribed with a free massage) to let me use his place, since mine is not so big. i decorated it with cassettes/liners and neon shapes with phrases on them from the 80's. figured everyone's costumes would be enough decoration. and good ol' Chad let me borrow his Time Life Sounds of the Eighties CD Collection (all 28, baby!) to rock the house all night long.

the 80's trivia ended up being a bust, too long of a game. but always armed with a few decks of cards and chips, games of Euchre and Texas Hold 'em ensued til the wee hours. i think there was even a dance challenge or two, one of which i know i won! (bring it on, Beth!) you can't touch my "Running Man" baby. what else do you do when you're on a sugar rush from sodas and Pop Rocks and Skittles?

yeah, we'll be having another one of these parties, for all you that missed the fun, and probably just because we wanna get 80's crazy again!

oh, and did i mention that i had to wash my face 3 times for all the makeup to come off? pink eyeshadow everywhere! and my hair was sooooo HUGE and stiff from the half a can of hair spray in it, that i had to tie my hair down with a bandanna to change shirts after i got home =)


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