Wednesday, June 29, 2005

minnie the moucher

yeah, you remember the song from The Blues Brothers. i think i'm minnie sometimes.

i totally mouch free samples of skin products from the spa. i love how they improve my skin and they smell like all kinds of flowers and essential oils, but they are FREAKISHLY expensive sometimes. even with my employee discount.

we're allowed a free sample or two, especially when we get a facial. but i have to admit i mouch the free samples of the really expensive cremes, one i REALLY like is $25 even with my discount (twenny-fi dollas?!?! Goo' Lawd, das a lotta moneh!!!...put it in mah han' fo' a dime!). so i mouch instead of buying it.

the integrity prodder started working big time.
i was getting a small sample of some creme and one of the aestheticians says, "you should just bring a bigger jar like i do." yep, God. no kinks in that gadget. it works. i get it.

i've also been told i'm a "prize ho."

i was sharing with one of my buddies in Montgomery, AL, who happens to be a former radio DJ/morning host, about my SERIOUS winning streak last year. how i won tickets to concerts and conferences, CDs, and pretty much anything i entered. and how it's started again...oh yes, there is a Winning Streak Reprise!...with lunch for 15 to Cozymel's (to be had on July 7th) and the new Matthew West CD (good stuff, check it out!). whoo hoo!

i said that it probably helps that i have all the local radio stations on speed dial in my cell phone. he said they have a name for people like me at the radio stations, "prize ho."

ahem. Hi, my name is Jill, and I'm a "Prize Ho."

(insert collective "Hi, Jill !!!" here)

they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

i'm still not ready to take the stations' numbers out of my cell phone. have you been to de nial? it's not just a river in Egypt, you know.


i got Tagged. i don't wanna be IT any longer. so TAG, YOU'RE IT!!! - my favorite DIVA, the very cool chic (hey you!) that got me hooked on Indigo Girls forever, my fav prolific writer undercover as a very un-ordinary person/Nashvillian turned Texan, and the former radio DJ turned Big Dreamer


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