peeling 'em off
i did indeed stay Birmingham at my cousin's place for 3 days. i let myself enjoy cinema therapy, nature therapy, and retail therapy - my 3 favorite therapies =)
if you haven't seen Stranger than Fiction yet, do. it gives us all a reason to like Will Ferrell and reminds us that routine, while safe, can truly drive a person nuts and stifle L-I-V-I-N.
go hiking alone. have a lil talk with Jesus. tell 'im all about your troubles. he WILL hear your faintest cry, and answer by and by.
visit Old Time Pottery. don't take all your money in that wonderful store, cuz you'll spend it =) i bought some new kitchen knives and a cozy area rug for my living room.
taking time to breathe is amazingly freeing. realizing that what that looks like for me is quite different from and doesn't have to look like anyone else's method, priceless.
bye bye more layers.
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