Friday, February 25, 2005

coincidence ("hey, that's jo-incidence with a c")

okay, now i'm pretty good about keeping up with my checking account so i don't overdraft it. after all, who can afford $30 dollars a pop to go down the toilet??? truth is, i REALLY messed up my account in a big way years ago, and i've been a fiend about keeping up with it ever since. i loved it when they finally got online checking and it keeps your register and balance up to the minute!!! good stuff.

so i go in and check it the other day, after letting it go unchecked for a few days. (i'm so good about keeping my balance current in my checkbook, i usually just check it online once or twice a week) i'm scrolling, and i'm scrolling (MOVIE TRIVIA: "...and we're walking, we're walking, we're walking..." what movie is that from?) and all of a sudden i see OVERDRAFT CHARGES $90.00. what the @#$%??? i immediately pull out my checkbook and double check every transaction. ah-HA! there's a deposit that was posted to my account 4 days after i actually deposited it. bonus! bank error! (i love being right, especially to call someone else out on being wrong...i know, working on that) so i call up my friendly neighborhood banker and give her the scoop. well, she checks it. says deposit was made at like 3:15pm or something, which means that it was posted on the next business day, which was tuesday, because of the holiday monday. and i'm like "WAIIIIIIT A MINUTE!!!" because i've been banking with these guys for years, even used to work for them, and i KNOW that the policy is as long as your deposit is made before 8pm, it will be posted on that day. she asks me, "did you make the deposit inside the bank or at the ATM?" i say, "at the drive through" she say, "ok, that's the same as inside. if you make the deposit with a teller, it only posts same day if it is before 2pm. at the ATM, it will post same day up to 8pm." CRIKIES!!!

so basically i beg for mercy and can they help me out since i didn't know that and can they refund any of it please, pretty please, i would be ever so grateful for any help? (yes, i did say it like that) so being the friendly neighborhood banker she is, she talks to the man, and gets him to refund $30. now i'm not ungrateful, though i was hoping for more, and i thank her and go on about my day. what else could i do? (mind you i REALLY hated being wrong about the whole thing)

so i'm getting ready for work, and a thought hits me. if i would've tithed last sunday, it would have been $60. 90 minus 30 is 60. would God do that?

see, i hadn't been tithing for a while because things have been tight money wise, due to slow season at the spa. (plus, i took a little hiatus from church for a bit, and out of sight-out of mind, you know?) since the Holidays, business is boomin at the spa and finances are much better. i've been back at church as well, so i've been thinking it was really time to start tithing again. i was really thinking that this past week on more than one occassion, and even Sunday. did i do it? nope. i figured i'd start the next sunday. it'd be alright.

so now i've just been pondering would God really take my money like that? now i know it's not my money in the first place, it's His, but i just don't know that i believe Him to be vengeful like that. i do think that maybe He did it in this particular instance to teach me a lesson and get my attention (even more). and it does make me more conscious of my spending (hellooooo eBay!!!) when i tithe (thanks Heather for that nugget, i agree). so maybe that's it. a one time lesson where the big G says, "let me show you how much I can do with that small amount. you didn't really need it anyway. trust Me."


At 7:59 PM, Blogger loofrin said...

i hate banks. they must make me mad.


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