Labor Day Weekend
went home for visits with the fam for the weekend. hung out with Mom, Gina and Keith for a couple of days. then, stayed with my Dad, Geta and Mark and met Geta's sister and her family from Romania- Ilnella, Petrus, Samuel, Dragus, and Denisa. we toured them around Fairhope and had lots of great food, including a traditional Romanian dish called "sarmali," which is grape leaves stuffed with two kinds of meat, seasonings and finely chopped vegetables, and rice. let me tell you, it was amazing. truly one of the best things i've ever tasted.

Sunday was more good food, after singing at church (trad. 5th sunday all music/testimony service). fried catfish, hushpuppies and lots of home grown vegetables and, of course, a whole table full of desserts. we ate and savored even as Gustav was approaching, winds kicking up outside.

Monday brought an early morning with me heading north, outrunning the winds and rain we knew Gustav would bring.

Dad called about the time I got home, telling me how much it meant to him that I came and sang at his church. As we were saying bye, he said, "I love you," and i said, "love you, too, dad" and meant it.

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